Week 7
Another week has gone by, and it is the first for witch school has been held for the entirety of the week. That being said, the children once again needed to agust once again to being full time students.
Eliza was not feeling well on Monday so I went to school alone for the first time. It was on this day that I began to teach class IV more about articles and their proper use. Although they knew that "a", "an", and "the" were the three articles, they seem to never have been taught their proper use. They had no idea for example that "an" follows nouns that begin with a vowel sound. They learned quickly though, at least with the indefinite articles. The definite article proved to be a harder concept, and my inability to define "indefinite," did not help the process. The next class we needed to review the use of "the"
Class III finished their lessons on the past tenses, and did quite well on the test. I also have decided that they are in need of article review, but bereft of the double period it will take longer to accomplish.
Class II is reviewing "to be" after their abysmal performance on the quiz, I have no idea why they failed so totally, in class they are adept at doing the drills, but they fail to connect that experience with the questions on the test. Hopefully after a week of review they will be better prepared. Also they confess that they did not study, and the test came after a rather long hiatus, that no doubt added to the problem.
Eliza has decided that Class I should do poems next and she has created a wonderful game that involves matching rhyming words with a partner. The children really get into the activity and seem to really grasp the concept of words that rhyme. Babul also took his test on time and did quite well, receiving the third highest grade in the class. I admit that I did not think that he would do quite that well.
This next week will no doubt be full of review, beginning on Friday the students have terminal exams and Eliza and I have been encouraged to take the time to go to Darjeeling to see the sights with the other volunteers. Perhaps we will put up the tests we write to see how our readers compare to the children here :)